Tuesday 12 July 2016

It's Been A Long Week...

But first... I'm showing off the LAST of the hexy's I need for my Super Long Term Scrappy Hexy Quilt... 
these were cut out nearly two weeks ago... good thing the Tour de France is still on, I have a few evenings of basting ahead of me!

As for the long week... it's been a very long one... very sick one... the one where you lose track of the days...what started out as a sniffle on Monday has ended up with me on super-strength (seemingly veterinary-sized!) antibiotics for a trio of infections... I have never been so wiped out by this sort of thing, so I must have done something really terrible to earn it.
Happily, I'm getting better... Good Riddance.

When the CEO of Domestic Operations is out of action, things get a bit untidy around here, so I have a bit to catch up on... including blog-reading & posting off my Christmas In July parcel.

This is really quite a pitiful post, so I thank you for dropping in & reading it!


Kaisievic said...

ooh, I hope that you feel better very soon - I have had two of those super colds already this winter (plus an infected tooth) so I am hoping that is it for me for a while, at least.

allthingzsewn said...

Good to hear your on the mend. You had best rest a couple of days before worrying about that cleaning, it will wait for you.

Maria said...

Good you are feeling a little better.... The horse pills must be doing there job....
Nice pile of hexies to play with...

Jindi's Cottage said...

The super sized germs are on this side of the island too :( Hope your vet pills keep doing their job and you are soon bright eyed and bushy tailed...

Kim said...

I hope you feel better soon. It's not fun being sick. Your EPPs look very nice!

Lin said...

So sorry to hear that you have been unwell Anthea, it sounds horrible. But glad you are getting better and hope you will soon be back to normal as it sounds like there is a lot to do! Enjoy le Tour while you baste your hexies. xx

Susan said...

It happens to us all occasionally. Hope you're feeling better soon, and good to see you have your priorities right!

Cheryl said...

No good to hear Anthea but hopefully you are on the mend

KimM said...

Oh dear! Get better soon!!

Janice said...

So many seem to be getting a good dose of the dreaded lurgy this winter. Take care of yourself and I hope you are back to being fighting fit again soon.

Ondrea said...

Many angel healing hugs. Remember to take some probiotics after taking the antibiotics to avoid nasty side affects. Love those hexies.

sunny said...

Glad you're starting to feel better. Just relax and make hexies until you're all better.

Fiona said...

hope you are well now...

Pamela said...

Sorry you've been under the weather. Hope you are soon back to normal!

Dasha said...

Oh how awful! Hope you are feeling up to scratch soon. Don't forget to take some pro-biotics after all that medication to help you recover. Make sure you don't overdo it - get a good book and curl up in the sun somewhere. Housework can wait.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Very sorry to hear that you have been so unwell. I am glad you are feeling better now xx

Susan said...

Hope you are continuing on the upward spiral - certainly time for a rest from domestic goddess duties...stitch away.

Brigitte said...

A trio of infections doesn't sound good. I hope the antibiotics have started doing their thing.

Anonymous said...

You sound as if you've been miserable. I hope you are feeling much better already. Love the colors of your hexagons. Do you ever glue? I'm trying the Bohin glue pen. I didn't like the glue stick. I actually had something to link this week!

Renee said...

Lovely hexies! I hope you feel better soon!

Cheryll said...

Hi Anthea... Can you please let me know if your Christmas in July package arrived safely?
Your partner is worried... Xox

kiwikid said...

That sounds like a nasty bug, hopefully you are better now. Great collection of hexies you have made.

Jeneta said...

Sorry to hear that you have been sick. Thank goodness for antibiotics (sounds like you were on the horse pill sized ones). And your post was not pitiful - short and sweet with an enticing photo is perfect! I love the Tour - I couldn't believe what happened to Richie Porte in yesterdays stage. And who would have thought we'd see the yellow jersey running down the road! Every tour I get annoyed with some of the spectators; the ones that act selfishly and get in the way of the riders (e.g. run alongside, pat their bottom or wave a flag in their face) really irks me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anthea ,oh no i hope you are feeling better ,nothing worse than being crook,lovely lot of hexies there,hope you have a lovely weekend xx

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